According to Stack Overflow, Python is one the most preferred programming languages which means that the majority of developers use it. But what can you do to master this language? Guido van Rossum says that “the joy of coding Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable classes that express a lot of action in a small amount of clear code — not in reams of trivial code that bores the reader to death”.

Today we are using Python for Application Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and much much more. Python’s increasing application in the real-world also helps ensure better career opportunities with some of the modern top-paying job roles. And at the end of this article we have some good news and amazing opportunities for you, dear Python enthusiast or master. 

Whether you are a beginner in this field or an experienced developer looking to improve your Python knowledge, there are dozens of sources where you can get a solid understanding of the long list of topics in Python, such as books, online courses, tutorials, websites, and podcasts. And of course Youtube channels. You’ll find hundreds of Python-related channels on YouTube, but for this article, we gathered some of the most popular and praise-worthy YouTube channels for you.

Do you want to learn Python? Here are some Youtube Channels to help you for free

1. Youtube Channels to learn Python:

A well-known YouTube channel, highly popular among programmers, this channel belongs to Quincy Larson who started this project, back in 2014, with the aim of making programming easier and accessible for anyone without ever paying a fee. And it becomes a place for learning not just Python but a host for other programming languages. Apart from offering Python tutorials for absolute beginners, freeCodeCamp also offers Python-related video tutorials for handling tasks belonging to Deep Learning and Data Analysis domains.

Besides their Youtube channel, we recommend you to go also to his website where you can find a collection of valuable online tutorials and practice resources for a broad range of programming languages and domains, such as JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, and more. Finally, on the website you can also have access to some certification programs for a number of domains, including the ones mentioned above.

2. Sentdex

Harrison Kinsley started his Youtube channel in 2012 with Python as its mainly topic. In his videos, he takes more of a practical approach to the topics rather than going with the boring theoretical approach. It will be better if you do a bit of homework before jumping on to the video. This way, you’ll be better able to understand the topic. 

This channel is good also for beginners, but it will be perfect for intermediate ones. Apart from covering the various topics included in Python, Harrison has also covered a handful of other technologies, such as Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Robotics, Raspberry Pi, and more. After watching his videos on Youtube, please also consider his website because here he goes a bit deeper with an explanation and accompanying code examples.

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3. Youtube Channels to learn Python: Corey Schafer

Since the start of his Youtube channel back in 2006, Corey Schafer covers a range of programming languages and libraries, but the focus is primarily on Python. Here you’ll find a lot of tutorials and walkthroughs for programmers of all skill levels. If you are a beginner, you’ll find everything from instructions on setting up the development environment to tutorials about the various introductory concepts in Python. On the other hand, the best thing about the videos on Corey’s channel is once you get a solid understanding of the foundational concepts in Python, you’ll find plenty of tutorials on his channel where you can put your knowledge to the test.

After watching his videos on Youtube, please also consider his website. Schafer talks also about other programming languages and frameworks such as JavaScript, SQL, and Django for which you’ll find tutorials, as well as, some useful Data Science-centric Python libraries, such as Pandas for number crunching and Matplotlib for visualizations.

4. CS Dojo

The author of this channel YK Sugishita, was a former Microsoft intern, an ex-Googler, and now a YouTuber. Our recommendation is to start with a playlist named “Python Tutorials for Absolute Beginners” where he made getting started with Python programming as easy as possible. In his videos YK follows a code-along approach, so you can practice writing code side-by-side with him and even work on practice exercises. Also, YK also provides an in-depth explanation about the solutions to his programming exercises.

Besides Python, this channel also goes over other useful topics, such as Data Structures and Algorithms, vital programming tips, and answers to commonly asked questions during coding interviews. You can also check his website. 

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5. Youtube Channels to learn Python: Clever Programmer

You can find awesome programming lessons here, and over 1 million people all over the world are already validating this channel. Also, expect programming tips and tricks that will take your coding skills to the next level. Plus, besides Python, you can learn Web3 from Clever Programmer. 

6. Programming with Mosh

Since its launch in 2014, this channel offers a lot of tutorial videos some of them to a lengthy 6 hours. But don’t panic, Mosh’s 6-hour long all-in-one Python for Beginners tutorial video is wonderfully structured with plenty of timestamps, making navigation painless. In this Youtube channel you’ll also find online courses for other programming languages, such as Node.js, Java, C#, SQL, TypeScript, Angular. Also, there is so much more info on the author website.

7. Youtube Channels to learn Python: Anaconda Inc.

With more than 15 million users, Anaconda is the world’s most popular data science platform and the foundation of modern machine learning. Anaconda Enterprise, our flagship product, delivers data science and machine learning at speed and scale, unleashing the full potential of our customers’ data science and machine learning initiatives. This Anaconda Enterprise allows organizations to secure, govern, scale, and extend Anaconda to deliver actionable insights that drive businesses and industries forward.

8. Talk Python

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and owned by his small company PDX Web Properties. The show covers, in a casual 45 minute conversation with industry experts, a wide array of Python topics as well as many related topics (e.g. MongoDB, AngularJS, DevOps). Perfect listen for both beginners and experts in this field.

BONUS: If you are completely new to programming and Python, make sure you check out the quick official Getting Started Guide for some helpful resources. And if you want to learn Python without wasting your time and money on poor quality resources, go to YouTube because this is a great place to learn to code. So, if you are a beginner who wants to get into this field, please check below a short list with some of the best 10 YouTube channels to learn Python programming:

  1. Al Sweigart
  2. Socratica
  3. Telusko
  4. thenewboston
  5. Chris Hawkes
  6. Derek Banas
  7. Data School
  8. Pretty Printed
  9. PyData
  10. 10.Real Python

And finally, if you want to put in practice all your knowledge and take your career to the next level, consider joining our team. Check all jobs available at Ventivo Group!