Even in 2021, after 8 years in a row, JavaScript continues to rank #1 on Stack Overflow, still being the top in-demand languages as referenced in medium.com. But JavaScript is a complex language. And if you’re a JavaScript developer at any level, it’s important to understand its foundational concepts. Because it is estimated that JavaScript is used by 88% of all websites. So, yeah, most probably your website too.

To prove to you that there is a great demand for JavaScript in the marketplace as it continues to be the most popular technology, stay with us by the end of this article, and find a job listing @ Ventivo Group that may be of interest. 

And, because of this huge demand on the job market, we are here to share with you 7 key JavaScript concepts that are important to grasp when looking for a job. Of course, to truly understand all this concepts it is a matter of actually doing, practicing and applying each concept in actual projects. 

Read also: 5 amazing JavaScript books you really need to read

So, without further ado, here are the 7 JavaScript concepts that will help your development skills and get you the job you want:

  1. Value vs. Reference Variable Assignment

Understanding how JavaScript assigns to variables is essential to writing bug-free JavaScript. If you don’t understand this, you could easily write code that unintentionally changes values. And… this is not good at all. Or in the words of Yoda: “That is why you fail”.

So, in order to not fail, you must know that JavaScript always assigns variables by value. And this part is super important: when the assigned value is one of JavaScript’s five primitive type (i.e., Boolean, null, undefined, String and Number) the actual value is assigned. However, when the assigned value is an Array, Function, or Object, a reference to the object in memory is assigned.

  1. Scope, everything happens for a reason

Or to put it in JavaScript’s words… scope means variable access. Every action you take, every step you make, you always have to ask yourself this question: what variable do I have access to when a code is running? But, again in the words of Yoda, “Fear is the path to the dark side” so, “Do or do not, there is no try”!

In JavaScript by default, you’re always in root scope i.e. the window scope. The scope is simply a box with a boundary for variables, functions and objects. These boundaries put restrictions on variables and determine whether you have access to the variable or not. It limits the visibility or availability of a variable to the other parts of the code. You must have a clear understanding of this concept because it helps you to separate logic in your code and also improves the readability. A scope can be defined in two ways:

  • Local Scope – allow access to everything within the boundaries (inside the box)
  • Global Scope – everything outside the boundaries (outside the box)
  1. Events & Event Handling

If we talk code run by a web page then we have to know that everything is triggered by an event of some type. Some of the most common events are: on page load, on click or on hover. Understanding the various events in JavaScript and when they are triggered is an essential skill for any JavaScript developer.

  1. IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) 

As the name suggests IIFE is a function in JavaScript which is immediately invoked and executed as soon as it is defined. Variables declared within the IIFE cannot be accessed by the outside world and this way you can avoid global scope from getting polluted. So the primary reason to use IIFE is to immediately execute the code and obtain data privacy. 

  1. Loops, who said repetitive code is boring 

Loops are a key component of any programming language. It saves you time, energy and a lot of good vibes. Loops allow you to repeat blocks of code any number of required times saving you from having to write repetitive code. Loops also allow you to iterate through data structures with minimal effort. Understanding how, when, and why to use loops is an essential skill for any programmer. If only we can have this in our everyday life… right?

  1. Closures to Extend Variable Scope

Closures allow variable scope to be extended past the common scope restrictions of functions. To understand it better, we will use Jeremy Keith words to describe closures in his book Bulletproof Ajax: “Think of closures as a kind of regional scope: broader then local but not as broad as global”.

  1. Async & Await

Async & Await provides a way to maintain asynchronous operation more synchronously. And in JavaScript, asynchronous operation can be handled in various versions:

  • ES5 -> Callback
  • ES6 -> Promise
  • ES7 -> async & await

You can use Async/Await to perform the Rest API request where you want the data to fully load before pushing it to the view.

In conclusion, if you think JavaScript is your future, then JOIN OUR TEAM. Because, good news, we are looking for the best Developer.

Do you like to build software applications from scratch and be involved in software and architectural development activities? Then Ventivo is the perfect team for you. We are looking for Developers who can change the future with us. Are you the one? Drop us a line and let’s meet! Check our Careers page and apply now.