JavaScript is one of the best programming languages to learn and improve in 2022, the leading name when it comes to front-end web development. As we already wrote in our “7 JavaScript concepts that will help your development skills and get you the job you want” article, even in 2021, after 8 years in a row, JavaScript continues to rank #1 on Stack Overflow, still being the top in-demand languages as referenced in

But we know that JavaScript is a complex language. So, if you want to learn JavaScript or are just looking for some perfect tips to improve your knowledge, then you could try Youtube tutorials, FreeCodeCamp or build stuff outside of FCC at some point. And everybody knows that books are an excellent way of learning almost anything, including programming languages.

To help you develop your skills and improve your knowledge about the JavaScript universe we gathered a short list of 5 books that you really need to read in order to structure and simplify your learning journey. Stay with us by the end of this article, and find a job listing @VentivoGroup that may be of interest. 

5 amazing JavaScript books you really need to read

  1. Clean Code: By Robert C. Martin 

If you want to know how to properly name a variable, how to write a better method, how to structure your code better or what is the code smell and why another approach is better than this one, then this book written by Robert C. Martin is the perfect one for you. 

This read will teach you all the tricks and patterns of writing good and clean code. Especially beginner programmers make the mistake of just trying to solve the problem and forget to write a clean and perfect professional code on the way. So, in order to never do that, read “Clean Code” and you will know how to write a code that should be properly readable and well structured so that it could be reused and debug easily. 

Read also: 7 JavaScript concepts that will help your development skills and get you the job you want

  1. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler

If you are interested in improving and maintaining the quality of your code and if you

i want to learn about start-to-finish strategies for working more effectively with large software and improving the design of existing code. This book, written by Martin Fowler, will give you just that.

An essential reading for any software developer, this book contains step by step instructions for implementation of more than 40 proven refactoring examples illustrating with details as to when and why to use the refactoring. Plus, it will provide samples, examples, diagrams, steps to follow, side-notes, commentary, and basically everything you would need to fully understand a refactoring method. 

  1. A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript: The new tech-assisted approach that requires half the effort by Mark Myers

Mark Myers, the author of the “A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript”, thinks there are two important problems faced by those willing to learn JavaScript. These are retention and comprehension. If you want to learn about them, then this book is perfect for you. Learn little nibbles. Myers’ book is a perfect way to practice your JavaScript knowledge because each of the chapters is followed by 20 free sample exercises available at the author’s website. You can do them over and over again to completely digest all the information you just read. Practicing is the key to learning to program. As well as rebuilding your confidence as a learner and trusting the reviews. Myers’ words, not ours. 

  1. JavaScript & JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett

Interested in learning JavaScript & jQuery side-by-side for getting started with web development? JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development is the top recommendation. 

Duckett’s book covers basic programming concepts, so is a good read for someone with no prior knowledge of programming beyond an ability to create a web page using HTML & CSS. It also offers core elements of both JavaScript and jQuery, so it’s perfect for those who want to learn how to write their own scripts from scratch, allowing them to simplify the process of writing scripts. And it is also perfect if you want to learn how to recreate techniques you will have seen on other websites such as sliders, content filters, form validation or updating content using Ajax.

Plus, it is not yet another 1200-page book. On the contrary, the content of the book is not just pretty but well-organised. Progressing to the next concept is not random and follows a logical way in JavaScript & JQuery. The transition to jQuery from JavaScript is a great example of how to do it the right way. So, if you want to hit two birds with one stone, then this is your read choice.

  1. The Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth and Donald John Fuller

And finally, if you want to learn how to deal with the structural relationships between data elements efficiently, find out how to solve problems effectively using the basic concepts of fundamental algorithms or learn about semi-numerical algorithms and combinatorial algorithms, then Knuth and Fuller’s book is a perfect lecture for you. 

This is a classic book, very popular and highly praised by many of the top programmers in the world for the combined mathematical exactness with outstanding humour throughout the chapters. 

You can also try some additional books like: 

  • Building JavaScript Games for Phones, Tablets, and Desktop by Arjan Egges
  • Functional Programming in JavaScript by Luis Atencio
  • JavaScript Enlightenment by Cody Lindley
  • Maintainable JavaScript: Writing Readable Code by Nicholas C. Zakas
  • Professional JavaScript for Web Developers by Nicholas C. Zakas
  • Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by Bear Bibeault and John Resig
  • Testable JavaScript: Ensuring Reliable Code by Mark Ethan Trostler

So, are you ready for the future? If you think that coding tech for humanity is the future, then join our team as a FrontEnd developer. Drop us a line and let’s meet! Check our Careers page and apply now.